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Launch Navigator

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Requires Cordova plugin: For more info, please see the LaunchNavigator plugin docs.



  1. Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
    $ ionic cordova plugin add
    $ npm install --save @ionic-native/launch-navigator@4
  2. Add this plugin to your app's module

Supported platforms


Please refer to the plugin's repo for detailed usage. This docs page only explains the Native wrapper.

import { LaunchNavigator, LaunchNavigatorOptions } from '@ionic-native/launch-navigator';

constructor(private launchNavigator: LaunchNavigator) { }


let options: LaunchNavigatorOptions = {
  start: 'London, ON',
  app: LaunchNavigator.APPS.UBER

this.launchNavigator.navigate('Toronto, ON', options)
    success => console.log('Launched navigator'),
    error => console.log('Error launching navigator', error)

Instance Members



navigate(destination, options)

Launches navigator app

Param Type Details
destination string|Array.<number>

Location name or coordinates (as string or array)

options LaunchNavigatorOptions

Returns: Promise<any>


Determines if the given app is installed and available on the current device.

Param Type Details
app string

Returns: Promise<any>


Returns a list indicating which apps are installed and available on the current device.

Returns: Promise<string[]>


Returns the display name of the specified app.

Param Type Details
app string

Returns: string


Returns list of supported apps on a given platform.

Param Type Details
platform string

Returns: string[]

supportsTransportMode(app, platform)

Indicates if an app on a given platform supports specification of transport mode.

Param Type Details
app string

specified as a string, you can use one of the constants, e.g LaunchNavigator.APP.GOOGLE_MAPS

platform string

Returns: boolean

getTransportModes(app, platform)

Returns the list of transport modes supported by an app on a given platform.

Param Type Details
app string
platform string

Returns: string[]

supportsDestName(app, platform)

Param Type Details
app string
platform string

Returns: boolean

supportsStart(app, platform)

Indicates if an app on a given platform supports specification of start location.

Param Type Details
app string
platform string

Returns: boolean

supportsStartName(app, platform)

Param Type Details
app string
platform string

Returns: boolean

supportsLaunchMode(app, platform)

Indicates if an app on a given platform supports specification of launch mode. Note that currently only Google Maps on Android does.

Param Type Details
app string
platform string

Returns: boolean

userSelect(destination, options)

Param Type Details
destination string|Array.<number>
options LaunchNavigatorOptions



Param Type Details
successCallback Function

A callback to invoke when the navigation app is successfully launched.

errorCallback (error: string) => void

A callback to invoke if an error is encountered while launching the app. A single string argument containing the error message will be passed in.

app string

name of the navigation app to use for directions. Specify using launchnavigator.APP constants. e.g. launchnavigator.APP.GOOGLE_MAPS. If not specified, defaults to User Selection.

destinationName string

nickname to display in app for destination. e.g. "Bob's House".

start string | number[]

Start point of the navigation. If not specified, the current device location will be used. Either:

  • a {string} containing the address. e.g. "Buckingham Palace, London"
  • a {string} containing a latitude/longitude coordinate. e.g. "50.1. -4.0"
  • an {array}, where the first element is the latitude and the second element is a longitude, as decimal numbers. e.g. [50.1, -4.0]
startName string

nickname to display in app for start . e.g. "My House".

transportMode string

Transportation mode for navigation: "driving", "walking" or "transit". Defaults to "driving" if not specified.

enableDebug boolean

If true, debug log output will be generated by the plugin. Defaults to false.

extras any

a key/value map of extra app-specific parameters. For example, to tell Google Maps on Android to display Satellite view in "maps" launch mode: {"t": "k"}

launchModeGoogleMaps string

(Android only) mode in which to open Google Maps app. launchnavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.MAPS or launchnavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.TURN_BY_TURN Defaults to launchnavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.MAPS if not specified.

launchModeAppleMaps string

(iOS only) method to use to open Apple Maps app. launchnavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.URI_SCHEME or launchnavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.MAPKIT Defaults to launchnavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.URI_SCHEME if not specified.

enableGeolocation boolean

If true, and input location type(s) doesn't match those required by the app, use geocoding to obtain the address/coords as required. Defaults to true.

appSelection AppSelectionOptions

options related to the default native actionsheet picker which enables user to select which navigation app to launch if app is not specified.



Param Type Details
callback (rememberChoice: boolean) => void

a function to pass the user's decision whether to remember their choice of app. This will be passed a single boolean value indicating the user's decision.

headerText string

text to display in the native prompt header asking user whether to remember their choice. Defaults to "Remember your choice?" if not specified.

bodyText string

text to display in the native prompt body asking user whether to remember their choice. Defaults to "Use the same app for navigating next time?" if not specified.

yesButtonText string

text to display for the Yes button. Defaults to "Yes" if not specified.

noButtonText string

text to display for the No button. Defaults to "No" if not specified.



Param Type Details
enabled boolean | string

whether to remember user choice of app for next time, instead of asking again for user choice. "prompt" - Prompt user to decide whether to remember choice.

  • Default value if unspecified.
  • If promptFn is defined, this will be used for user confirmation.
  • Otherwise (by default), a native dialog will be displayed to ask user. false - Do not remember user choice. true - Remember user choice.
promptFn (callback: (rememberChoice: boolean) => void) => void

a function which asks the user whether to remember their choice of app. If this is defined, then the default dialog prompt will not be shown, allowing for a custom UI for asking the user. This will be passed a callback function which should be invoked with a single boolean argument which indicates the user's decision to remember their choice.

prompt PromptsOptions

options related to the default dialog prompt used to ask the user whether to remember their choice of app.



Param Type Details
dialogHeaderText string

text to display in the native picker which enables user to select which navigation app to launch. Defaults to "Select app for navigation" if not specified.

cancelButtonText string

text to display for the cancel button in the native picker which enables user to select which navigation app to launch. Defaults to "Cancel" if not specified.

list string[]

List of apps, defined as launchnavigator.APP constants, which should be displayed in the picker if the app is available. This can be used to restrict which apps are displayed, even if they are installed. By default, all available apps will be displayed.

callback (app: string) => void

Callback to invoke when the user selects an app in the native picker. A single string argument is passed which is the app what was selected defined as a launchnavigator.APP constant.

androidTheme number

(Android only) native picker theme. Specify using actionsheet.ANDROID_THEMES constants. Default actionsheet.ANDROID_THEMES.THEME_HOLO_LIGHT

rememberChoice RememberChoiceOptions

options related to whether to remember user choice of app for next time, instead of asking again for user choice.



Param Type Details
exists (callback: (exists: boolean) => void) => void

Indicates whether a user choice exists for a preferred navigator app.

get (callback: (app: string) => void) => void

Returns current user choice of preferred navigator app.

set (app: string, callback: () => void) => void

Sets the current user choice of preferred navigator app.

clear (callback: () => void) => void

Clears the current user choice of preferred navigator app.


Param Type Details
get (callback: (exists: boolean) => void) => void

Indicates whether user has already been prompted whether to remember their choice a preferred navigator app.

set (callback: () => void) => void

Sets flag indicating user has already been prompted whether to remember their choice a preferred navigator app.

clear (callback: () => void) => void

Clears flag which indicates if user has already been prompted whether to remember their choice a preferred navigator app.


Param Type Details
userChoice UserChoice
userPrompted UserPrompted


