June 4, 2021
  • Announcements
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  • Ioniconf

Announcing your Ioniconf 2021 Speakers

Mike Hartington

Director of Developer Relation...

Last year we held our first-ever conference for Ionic developers and the wider developer community. With twelve speakers from the developer community and an opening keynote from our own Max Lynch (Co-Founder & CEO), Ioniconf 2020 was a smashing success. That is why we are incredibly excited to hold Ioniconf again this year, bringing in more community experts to share their knowledge and experience. Without further ado, please welcome your Ioniconf 2021 speakers!

Ioniconf 2021 is a one-day, single-track conference that will be held online. We’re working with some awesome partners to provide an online platform where you can watch presentations and interact with the speakers and other attendees during the conference. Register for free to get access to the conference platform and join the conversation!

Meet Your Speakers

Let’s do a quick round of introductions for some of your speakers. Don’t worry, we’ll be covering everyone in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout.

Brandon Roberts

Brandon is someone who probably needs no introduction. A member of the core team for the NgRx project, developer advocate for Nrwl, and all-around great person, Brandon is joining Ioniconf to discuss monorepos, NX, and cross-platform plugin development. I’ve had the chance to see Brandon speak many times, and I always learn something new and am excited to learn more about a subject.

Dayana Jabif

Dayana is a co-founder of Ionic Themes and Angular Templates where she helps build great UI templates for developers to get started with. Dayana has built some of the best UI templates out there and has also authored some of the best guides for developers to learn more about what you can do with Ionic. I’m thrilled to have Dayana here and speaking at Ioniconf!

Jedi Weller

Jedi is another Ionic community member and CEO of Openforge, where they specialize in mobile development and training for teams. Jedi always brings a unique perspective when discussing mobile development, and his talk this year is no exception. I can’t wait for Jedi to take the stage later this month.

Maksymilian Majer

Maksymilian, or Maks for short, is the CEO for ITCraftship where they help companies build amazing products and specialize in hybrid technologies. Maks has a lot of experience in different technology stacks and can bring some insight into what tech stack he chooses when starting a new project.

That’s all for now folks, but don’t fret! We’ll introduce you to the next round of speakers, so be sure to check back soon and be sure to sign up below for Ioniconf 2021!


Mike Hartington

Director of Developer Relation...