Welcome to the Ionic v1 getting started guide! Looking for our v2 getting started guide? Head over here.
These three simple steps will have you building high-quality mobile apps in minutes. For a more in-depth overview, watch our Crash Course video, or take our free online Ionic and Angular course, Appcamp.
First, install Node.js 6.x LTS. Then, install the latest Cordova and Ionic command-line tools in your terminal (read our Terminal tutorial if you're new to the command line!). Follow the Android and iOS platform guides to install required tools for iOS and Android development.
npm install -g cordova ionic
Create an Ionic project using one of our ready-made app templates, or a blank one to start fresh.
ionic start myApp tabs
ionic start myApp blank --type ionic1
ionic start myApp tabs --type ionic1
ionic start myApp sidemenu --type ionic1
Use the Ionic tool to build, test, and run your apps (or use Cordova directly). Make sure to substitute iOS with Android to build for Android.
cd myApp
ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova build ios
ionic cordova emulate ios
Head on over to the Docs and join the Forum to connect with other
Ionic devs.
Then, check out some of our helpful tools and services to help you
build better apps!
Jumpstart your all Ionic apps with our rapid drag-and-drop visual prototyping tool. Export clean, ready-to-use ionic code!
Learn moreScale your app with features like native app building, user authentication, push notifications, and real-time deploy services.
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