$ ionic generate

Generate pipes, components, pages, directives, providers, and tabs (ionic-angular >= 3.0.0)


$ ionic generate [<type>] [<name>]


Automatically create components for your Ionic app.

The given name is normalized into an appropriate naming convention. For example, ionic generate page neat creates a page by the name of NeatPage in src/pages/neat/.

Input Description
type The type of generator (e.g. component, directive, page, pipe, provider, tabs)
name The name of the component being generated
Option Description
--no-module Do not generate an NgModule for the component
--constants Generate a page constant file for lazy-loaded pages


$ ionic generate 
$ ionic generate component
$ ionic generate directive
$ ionic generate page
$ ionic generate pipe
$ ionic generate provider
$ ionic generate tabs
$ ionic generate component foo
$ ionic generate page Login
$ ionic generate page Detail --no-module
$ ionic generate page About --constants
$ ionic generate pipe MyFilterPipe


