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A plugin that abstracts fitness and health repositories like Apple HealthKit or Google Fit.



  1. Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
    $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-health
    $ npm install --save @ionic-native/health@4
  2. Add this plugin to your app's module

Supported platforms


import { Health } from '@ionic-native/health';

constructor(private health: Health) { }

.then((available:boolean) => {
    'distance', 'nutrition',  //read and write permissions
      read: ['steps'],       //read only permission
      write: ['height', 'weight']  //write only permission
  .then(res => console.log(res))
  .catch(e => console.log(e));
.catch(e => console.log(e));

See description at for a full list of Datatypes and see examples.

Instance Members


Tells if either Google Fit or HealthKit are available.

Returns: Promise<boolean>


Checks if recent Google Play Services and Google Fit are installed. If the play services are not installed, or are obsolete, it will show a pop-up suggesting to download them. If Google Fit is not installed, it will open the Play Store at the location of the Google Fit app. The plugin does not wait until the missing packages are installed, it will return immediately. If both Play Services and Google Fit are available, this function just returns without any visible effect.

This function is only available on Android.

Returns: Promise<any>


Requests read and/or write access to a set of data types. It is recommendable to always explain why the app needs access to the data before asking the user to authorize it. This function must be called before using the query and store functions, even if the authorization has already been given at some point in the past.

Quirks of requestAuthorization()

In Android, it will try to get authorization from the Google Fit APIs. It is necessary that the app’s package name and the signing key are registered in the Google API console. In Android, be aware that if the activity is destroyed (e.g. after a rotation) or is put in background, the connection to Google Fit may be lost without any callback. Going through the authorization will ensure that the app is connected again. In Android 6 and over, this function will also ask for some dynamic permissions if needed (e.g. in the case of “distance”, it will need access to ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION).

Param Type Details
datatypes Array<string | HealthDataType>

a list of data types you want to be granted access to.

Returns: Promise<any>


Check if the app has authorization to read/write a set of datatypes.

Quirks of isAuthorized()

In iOS, this function will only check authorization status for writable data. Read-only data will always be considered as not authorized. This is an intended behaviour of HealthKit.

Param Type Details
datatypes Array<string | HealthDataType>

a list of data types you want to check access of, same as in requestAuthorization

Returns: Promise<boolean> Returns a promise that resolves with a boolean that indicates the authorization status


Gets all the data points of a certain data type within a certain time window. Warning: if the time span is big, it can generate long arrays!

Quirks of query()

In iOS, the amount of datapoints is limited to 1000 by default. You can override this by adding a limit: xxx to your query object. In iOS, datapoints are ordered in an descending fashion (from newer to older). You can revert this behaviour by adding ascending: true to your query object. In Android, it is possible to query for “raw” steps or to select those as filtered by the Google Fit app. In the latter case the query object must contain the field filtered: true. In Google Fit, calories.basal is returned as an average per day, and usually is not available in all days. In Google Fit, is computed by subtracting the basal calories from the total. As basal energy expenditure, an average is computed from the week before endDate. While Google Fit calculates basal and active calories automatically, HealthKit needs an explicit input from some app. When querying for activities, Google Fit is able to determine some activities automatically (still, walking, running, biking, in vehicle), while HealthKit only relies on the input of the user or of some external app. When querying for activities, calories and distance are also provided in HealthKit (units are kcal and meters) and never in Google Fit. When querying for nutrition, Google Fit always returns all the nutrition elements it has, while HealthKit returns only those that are stored as correlation. To be sure to get all stored the quantities (regardless of they are stored as correlation or not), it’s better to query single nutrients. nutrition.vitamin_a is given in micrograms in HealthKit and International Unit in Google Fit. Automatic conversion is not trivial and depends on the actual substance.

Param Type Details
queryOptions HealthQueryOptions

Returns: Promise<HealthData[]>


Gets aggregated data in a certain time window. Usually the sum is returned for the given quantity.

Quirks of queryAggregated() In Android, to query for steps as filtered by the Google Fit app, the flag filtered: true must be added into the query object. When querying for activities, calories and distance are provided when available in HealthKit and never in Google Fit. In Android, the start and end dates returned are the date of the first and the last available samples. If no samples are found, start and end may not be set. When bucketing, buckets will include the whole hour / day / month / week / year where start and end times fall into. For example, if your start time is 2016-10-21 10:53:34, the first daily bucket will start at 2016-10-21 00:00:00. Weeks start on Monday. When querying for nutrition, HealthKit returns only those that are stored as correlation. To be sure to get all the stored quantities, it’s better to query single nutrients. nutrition.vitamin_a is given in micrograms in HealthKit and International Unit in Google Fit.

Param Type Details
queryOptionsAggregated HealthQueryOptionsAggregated

Returns: Promise<HealthData[]>


Stores a data point.

Quirks of store()

Google Fit doesn’t allow you to overwrite data points that overlap with others already stored of the same type (see here). At the moment there is no support for update nor delete. In iOS you cannot store the total calories, you need to specify either basal or active. If you use total calories, the active ones will be stored. In Android you can only store active calories, as the basal are estimated automatically. If you store total calories, these will be treated as active. In iOS distance is assumed to be of type WalkingRunning, if you want to explicitly set it to Cycling you need to add the field cycling: true. In iOS storing the sleep activities is not supported at the moment. Storing of nutrients is not supported at the moment.

Param Type Details

Returns: Promise<any>


Param Type Details
startDate Date

Start date from which to get data

endDate Date

End date from which to get data

dataType string

Datatype to be queried (see

limit number

Optional limit the number of values returned. Defaults to 1000

ascending boolean

Optional indicator to sort values ascending or descending

filtered boolean

In Android, it is possible to query for "raw" steps or to select those as filtered by the Google Fit app. In the latter case the query object must contain the field filtered: true.



Param Type Details
startDate Date

Start date from which to get data

endDate Date

End date from which to get data

dataType string

Datatype to be queried (see

bucket string

if specified, aggregation is grouped an array of "buckets" (windows of time), supported values are: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'.

filtered boolean

In Android, it is possible to query for "raw" steps or to select those as filtered by the Google Fit app. In the latter case the query object must contain the field filtered: true.



Param Type Details
startDate Date

Start date from which to get data

endDate Date

End date from which to get data

dataType string

Datatype to be queried (see

value string

Value of corresponding Datatype (see "Overview of valid datatypes")

sourceName string

The source that produced this data. In iOS this is ignored and set automatically to the name of your app.

sourceBundleId string

The complete package of the source that produced this data. In Android, if not specified, it's assigned to the package of the App. In iOS this is ignored and set automatically to the bunde id of the app.


Param Type Details
startDate Date

Start date from which to get data

endDate Date

End date from which to get data

value string

Value of corresponding Datatype (see

unit string

Unit of corresponding value of Datatype (see

sourceName string

The source that produced this data. In iOS this is ignored and set automatically to the name of your app.

sourceBundleId string

The complete package of the source that produced this data. In Android, if not specified, it's assigned to the package of the App. In iOS this is ignored and set automatically to the bunde id of the app.


