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Firebase Analyticsβ

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This plugin is still in beta stage and may not work as expected. Please submit any issues to the plugin repo.

Cordova plugin for Firebase Analytics

Go to firebase console and export google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist. Put those files into the root of your cordova app folder.

NOTE: on iOS in order to collect demographic, age, gender data etc. you should additionally include AdSupport.framework into your project.



  1. Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
    $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics
    $ npm install --save @ionic-native/firebase-analytics@4
  2. Add this plugin to your app's module

Supported platforms


import { FirebaseAnalytics } from '@ionic-native/firebase-analytics';

constructor(private firebaseAnalytics: FirebaseAnalytics) { }


this.firebaseAnalytics.logEvent('page_view', {page: "dashboard"})
  .then((res: any) => console.log(res))
  .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));

Instance Members

logEvent(name, params)

Logs an app event. Be aware of automatically collected events.

Param Type Details
name string

The name of the event

params any

Some param to configure something

Returns: Promise<any> Returns a promise


Sets the user ID property. This feature must be used in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy.

Param Type Details
id string

The user ID

Returns: Promise<any> Returns a promise

setUserProperty(name, value)

This feature must be used in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy. Be aware of automatically collected user properties.

Param Type Details
name string

The property name

value string

The property value

Returns: Promise<any> Returns a promise


Sets whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device.

Param Type Details
enabled boolean

Returns: Promise<any> Returns a promise


Sets the current screen name, which specifies the current visual context in your app. This helps identify the areas in your app where users spend their time and how they interact with your app.

Param Type Details
name string

The name of the screen

Returns: Promise<any> Returns a promise


