
An angular utility service to easily and efficiently add and remove CSS classes from the document’s body element.



Add a class to the document’s body element.

Param Type Details
class string

Each argument will be added to the body element.

  • Returns: $ionicBody The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.


Remove a class from the document’s body element.

Param Type Details
class string

Each argument will be removed from the body element.

  • Returns: $ionicBody The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.

enableClass(shouldEnableClass, class)

Similar to the add method, except the first parameter accepts a boolean value determining if the class should be added or removed. Rather than writing user code, such as “if true then add the class, else then remove the class”, this method can be given a true or false value which reduces redundant code.

Param Type Details
shouldEnableClass boolean

A true/false value if the class should be added or removed.

class string

Each remaining argument would be added or removed depending on the first argument.

  • Returns: $ionicBody The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.


Append a child to the document’s body.

Param Type Details
element element

The element to be appended to the body. The passed in element can be either a jqLite element, or a DOM element.

  • Returns: $ionicBody The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.


Get the document’s body element.

  • Returns: element Returns the document’s body element.