Manages the display of a Searchbar which can be used to search or filter items.
Instance Members
Input Properties
Attr | Type | Details |
animated | boolean |
If true, enable searchbar animation. |
autocomplete | string |
Set the input's autocomplete property. Values: |
autocorrect | string |
Set the input's autocorrect property. Values: |
cancelButtonText | string |
Set the the cancel button text. Default: |
debounce | number |
How long, in milliseconds, to wait to trigger the |
placeholder | string |
Set the input's placeholder. Default |
showCancelButton | boolean |
If true, show the cancel button. |
spellcheck | string|boolean |
Set the input's spellcheck property. Values: |
type | string |
Set the type of the input. Values: |
value | string |
Set the input value. |
Output Events
Attr | Details |
ionBlur | Emitted when the Searchbar input has blurred. |
ionCancel | Emitted when the cancel button is clicked. |
ionClear | Emitted when the clear input button is clicked. |
ionFocus | Emitted when the Searchbar input has focused. |
ionInput | Emitted when the Searchbar input has changed, including when it's cleared. |
Sass Variables
Property | Default | Description |
$searchbar-ios-padding-vertical |
0 |
Padding top/bottom of the searchbar |
$searchbar-ios-padding-horizontal |
8px |
Padding left/right of the searchbar |
$searchbar-ios-background-color |
rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) |
Background of the searchbar |
$searchbar-ios-border-color |
rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) |
Border color of the searchbar |
$searchbar-ios-min-height |
44px |
Minimum height of the searchbar |
$searchbar-ios-input-search-icon-color |
rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) |
Color of the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-ios-input-search-icon-svg |
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 13 13'><path fill='fg-color' d='M5,1c2.2,0,4,1.8,4,4S7.2,9,5,9S1,7.2,1,5S2.8,1,5,1 M5,0C2.2,0,0,2.2,0,5s2.2,5,5,5s5-2.2,5-5S7.8,0,5,0 L5,0z'/><line stroke='fg-color' stroke-miterlimit='10' x1='12.6' y1='12.6' x2='8.2' y2='8.2'/></svg>" |
Svg for the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-ios-input-search-icon-size |
13px |
Size of the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-ios-input-height |
3rem |
Height of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-ios-input-placeholder-color |
rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) |
Color of the searchbar input placeholder |
$searchbar-ios-input-text-color |
#000 |
Color of the searchbar input text |
$searchbar-ios-input-background-color |
#fff |
Background of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-ios-input-transition |
all 300ms ease |
Transition of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-ios-cancel-transition |
all 300ms ease |
Transition of the searchbar input cancel button |
$searchbar-ios-input-clear-icon-color |
rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) |
Color of the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-ios-input-clear-icon-svg |
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path fill='fg-color' d='M403.1,108.9c-81.2-81.2-212.9-81.2-294.2,0s-81.2,212.9,0,294.2c81.2,81.2,212.9,81.2,294.2,0S484.3,190.1,403.1,108.9z M352,340.2L340.2,352l-84.4-84.2l-84,83.8L160,339.8l84-83.8l-84-83.8l11.8-11.8l84,83.8l84.4-84.2l11.8,11.8L267.6,256L352,340.2z'/></svg>" |
Svg for the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-ios-input-clear-icon-size |
18px |
Size of the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-ios-toolbar-input-background |
rgba(0, 0, 0, .08) |
Background of the searchbar input inside of a toolbar |
Property | Default | Description |
$searchbar-md-padding |
8px |
Padding of the searchbar |
$searchbar-md-background-color |
inherit |
Background of the searchbar |
$searchbar-md-input-search-icon-color |
#5b5b5b |
Color of the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-md-input-search-icon-svg |
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path fill='" + $searchbar-md-input-search-icon-color + "' d='M337.509,305.372h-17.501l-6.571-5.486c20.791-25.232,33.922-57.054,33.922-93.257C347.358,127.632,283.896,64,205.135,64C127.452,64,64,127.632,64,206.629s63.452,142.628,142.225,142.628c35.011,0,67.831-13.167,92.991-34.008l6.561,5.487v17.551L415.18,448L448,415.086L337.509,305.372z M206.225,305.372c-54.702,0-98.463-43.887-98.463-98.743c0-54.858,43.761-98.742,98.463-98.742c54.7,0,98.462,43.884,98.462,98.742C304.687,261.485,260.925,305.372,206.225,305.372z'/></svg>" |
Svg for the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-md-input-search-icon-size |
20px |
Size of the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-md-input-height |
auto |
Height of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-md-input-line-height |
3rem |
Line height of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-md-input-box-shadow |
0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .14), 0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2), 0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .12) |
Box shadow of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-md-input-placeholder-color |
#aeaeae |
Color of the searchbar input placeholder |
$searchbar-md-input-text-color |
#141414 |
Color of the searchbar input text |
$searchbar-md-input-background-color |
#fff |
Background of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-md-input-border-radius |
2px |
Border radius of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-md-input-clear-icon-color |
#5b5b5b |
Color of the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-md-input-clear-icon-svg |
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><polygon fill='" + $searchbar-md-input-clear-icon-color + "' points='405,136.798 375.202,107 256,226.202 136.798,107 107,136.798 226.202,256 107,375.202 136.798,405 256,285.798 375.202,405 405,375.202 285.798,256'/></svg>" |
Svg for the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-md-input-clear-icon-size |
22px |
Size of the searchbar input clear icon |
Property | Default | Description |
$searchbar-wp-padding |
8px |
Padding of the searchbar |
$searchbar-wp-background-color |
transparent |
Background of the searchbar |
$searchbar-wp-border-width |
2px |
Border width of the searchbar |
$searchbar-wp-border-color |
$input-wp-border-color |
Border color of the searchbar |
$searchbar-wp-border-color-focused |
color($colors-wp, primary) |
Border color of the searchbar on focus |
$searchbar-wp-input-search-icon-color |
#858585 |
Color of the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-wp-input-search-icon-svg |
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path fill='" + $searchbar-wp-input-search-icon-color + "' d='M337.509,305.372h-17.501l-6.571-5.486c20.791-25.232,33.922-57.054,33.922-93.257C347.358,127.632,283.896,64,205.135,64C127.452,64,64,127.632,64,206.629s63.452,142.628,142.225,142.628c35.011,0,67.831-13.167,92.991-34.008l6.561,5.487v17.551L415.18,448L448,415.086L337.509,305.372z M206.225,305.372c-54.702,0-98.463-43.887-98.463-98.743c0-54.858,43.761-98.742,98.463-98.742c54.7,0,98.462,43.884,98.462,98.742C304.687,261.485,260.925,305.372,206.225,305.372z'/></svg>" |
Svg for the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-wp-input-search-icon-size |
20px |
Size of the searchbar input search icon |
$searchbar-wp-input-padding-vertical |
0 |
Padding top/bottom of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-padding-horizontal |
8px |
Padding left/right of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-height |
auto |
Height of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-line-height |
3rem |
Line height of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-placeholder-color |
#858585 |
Color of the searchbar input placeholder |
$searchbar-wp-input-text-color |
#141414 |
Color of the searchbar input text |
$searchbar-wp-input-background-color |
#fff |
Background of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-border-radius |
0 |
Border radius of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-font-size |
1.4rem |
Font size of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-font-weight |
400 |
Font weight of the searchbar input |
$searchbar-wp-input-clear-icon-color |
#858585 |
Color of the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-wp-input-clear-icon-svg |
"<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><polygon fill='" + $searchbar-wp-input-clear-icon-color + "' points='405,136.798 375.202,107 256,226.202 136.798,107 107,136.798 226.202,256 107,375.202 136.798,405 256,285.798 375.202,405 405,375.202 285.798,256'/></svg>" |
Svg for the searchbar input clear icon |
$searchbar-wp-input-clear-icon-size |
22px |
Size of the searchbar input clear icon |