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ion-grid, [ion-grid]

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The grid is a powerful mobile-first flexbox system for building custom layouts. It is heavily influenced by Bootstrap's grid system.

The grid is composed of three units — a grid, row(s) and column(s). Columns will expand to fill their row, and will resize to fit additional columns. It is based on a 12 column layout with different breakpoints based on the screen size. The number of columns and breakpoints can be fully customized using Sass.

How it works

The grid is a mobile-first system made up of any number of rows and columns. It is built with flexbox making it extremely responsive. The components that make up the grid can be written as an element (e.g., <ion-grid>) or added as an attribute to any element (e.g., <div ion-row>).

Here's how it works:

There are some known bugs with flexbox that should be checked prior to creating issues with Ionic.

Grid size

By default, the grid will take up 100% width. To set a maximum width based on the screen size add the fixed attribute. The maximum width of the grid for each breakpoint is defined in the $grid-max-widths Sass variable. For more information, see customizing the grid.

Name Value Description
xs auto Don't set the grid width for xs screens
sm 540px Set grid width to 540px when (min-width: 576px)
md 720px Set grid width to 720px when (min-width: 768px)
lg 960px Set grid width to 960px when (min-width: 992px)
xl 1140px Set grid width to 1140px when (min-width: 1200px)

Grid attributes

The grid takes up full width and has padding added to it based on the screen size. There are two attributes that can be used to adjust this behavior.

Property Description
no-padding Removes padding from the grid and immediate children columns.
fixed Set a max width based on the screen size.

Default breakpoints

The default breakpoints are defined by the $grid-breakpoints Sass variable. It can be customized to use different values for the breakpoint, rename and add/remove breakpoints. For more information, see customizing the grid.

Name Value Width Prefix Offset Prefix Push Prefix Pull Prefix Description
xs 0 col- offset- push- pull- Set columns when (min-width: 0)
sm 576px col-sm- offset-sm- push-sm- pull-sm- Set columns when (min-width: 576px)
md 768px col-md- offset-md- push-md- pull-md- Set columns when (min-width: 768px)
lg 992px col-lg- offset-lg- push-lg- pull-lg- Set columns when (min-width: 992px)
xl 1200px col-xl- offset-xl- push-xl- pull-xl- Set columns when (min-width: 1200px)

Note: the first breakpoint must have the value set to 0 and all breakpoint values must be in ascending order.

Auto-layout columns


By default, columns will take up equal width inside of a row for all devices and screen sizes.

      1 of 2
      2 of 2
      1 of 3
      2 of 3
      3 of 3

Setting one column width

Set the width of one column and the others will automatically resize around it. This can be done using our predefined grid attributes. In the example below, the other columns will resize no matter the width of the center column.

      1 of 3
    <ion-col col-8>
      2 of 3 (wider)
      3 of 3
      1 of 3
    <ion-col col-6>
      2 of 3 (wider)
      3 of 3


Using the col-{breakpoint}-auto attributes, the column can size itself based on the natural width of its content. This is extremely useful for setting a column width using pixels. The columns next to the variable-width column will resize to fill the row.

      1 of 3
    <ion-col col-auto>
      Variable width content
      3 of 3
      1 of 4
      2 of 4
    <ion-col col-auto>
      <ion-input placeholder="Variable width input"></ion-input>
      4 of 4

Responsive attributes

All breakpoints

To customize a column's width for all devices and screens, add the col-* attribute. These attributes tell the column to take up * columns out of the available columns.

    <ion-col col-4>
      1 of 4
    <ion-col col-2>
      2 of 4
    <ion-col col-2>
      3 of 4
    <ion-col col-4>
      4 of 4

Stacked to horizontal

Use a combination of width and breakpoint attributes to create a grid that starts out stacked on extra small screens before becoming horizontal on small screens.

    <ion-col col-12 col-sm>
      1 of 4
    <ion-col col-12 col-sm>
      2 of 4
    <ion-col col-12 col-sm>
      3 of 4
    <ion-col col-12 col-sm>
      4 of 4


Offsetting columns

Move columns to the right by adding the offset-* attributes. These attributes increase the margin left of the column by * columns. For example, in the following grid the last column will be offset by 3 columns and take up 3 columns:

    <ion-col col-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3 offset-3>
      2 of 2

Offsets can also be added based on screen breakpoints. Here's an example of a grid where the last column will be offset by 3 columns for md screens and up:

    <ion-col col-md-3>
      1 of 3
    <ion-col col-md-3>
      2 of 3
    <ion-col col-md-3 offset-md-3>
      3 of 3

Push and pull

Reorder the columns by adding the push-* and pull-* attributes. These attributes adjust the left and right of the columns by * columns making it easy to reorder columns. For example, in the following grid the column with the 1st col description will actually be the last column and the 2nd col will be the first column.

    <ion-col col-9 push-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3 pull-9>
      2 of 2

Push and pull can also be added based on screen breakpoints. In the following example, the column with the 3rd column description will actually be the first column for md screens and up:

    <ion-col col-md-6 push-md-3>
      1 of 3
    <ion-col col-md-3 push-md-3>
      2 of 3
    <ion-col col-md-3 pull-md-9>
      3 of 3


Vertical alignment

All columns can be vertically aligned inside of a row by adding different attributes to the row. For a list of available attributes, see row attributes.

  <ion-row align-items-start>
      1 of 4
      2 of 4
      3 of 4
      4 of 4 <br>#<br>#<br>#

  <ion-row align-items-center>
      1 of 4
      2 of 4
      3 of 4
      4 of 4 <br>#<br>#<br>#

  <ion-row align-items-end>
      1 of 4
      2 of 4
      3 of 4
      4 of 4 <br>#<br>#<br>#

Columns can also align themselves differently than other columns by adding the alignment attribute directly to the column. For a list of available attributes, see column attributes.

    <ion-col align-self-start>
        1 of 4
    <ion-col align-self-center>
        2 of 4
    <ion-col align-self-end>
        3 of 4
        4 of 4 <br>#<br>#<br>#

Horizontal alignment

All columns can be horizontally aligned inside of a row by adding different attributes to the row. For a list of available attributes, see row attributes.

  <ion-row justify-content-start>
    <ion-col col-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3>
      2 of 2

  <ion-row justify-content-center>
    <ion-col col-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3>
      2 of 2

  <ion-row justify-content-end>
    <ion-col col-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3>
      2 of 2

  <ion-row justify-content-around>
    <ion-col col-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3>
      2 of 2

  <ion-row justify-content-between>
    <ion-col col-3>
      1 of 2
    <ion-col col-3>
      2 of 2

Customizing the grid

Using our built-in grid Sass variables and maps, it’s possible to completely customize the predefined grid attributes. Change the number of breakpoints, the media query values, the number of columns, and more.

Number of columns and padding

The number of grid columns and their padding can be modified via Sass variables. $grid-columns is used to generate the widths (in percent) of each individual column. $grid-padding-width is used for the padding on the grid, while $grid-padding-widths allows breakpoint-specific widths that are divided evenly across padding-left and padding-right as well as padding-top and padding-bottom of the grid and columns.

$grid-columns:               12 !default;

$grid-padding-width:         10px !default;

$grid-padding-widths: (
  xs: $grid-padding-width,
  sm: $grid-padding-width,
  md: $grid-padding-width,
  lg: $grid-padding-width,
  xl: $grid-padding-width
) !default;

Grid tiers

To customize the breakpoints and their values, override the values of $grid-breakpoints and $grid-max-widths. For example, to only use 3 breakpoints, the following could be written:

$grid-breakpoints: (
  sm: 0,
  md: 768px,
  lg: 1024px

$grid-max-widths: (
  sm: 420px,
  md: 720px,
  lg: 960px

Sass Variables


Property Default Description
$grid-breakpoints ( xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px )

The minimum dimensions at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries

$grid-max-widths ( sm: 540px, md: 720px, lg: 960px, xl: 1140px )

Maximum width of the grid for different screen sizes

$grid-columns 12

Number of columns for the grid

$grid-padding-width 10px

Total width of the padding for the grid

$grid-padding-widths ( xs: $grid-padding-width, sm: $grid-padding-width, md: $grid-padding-width, lg: $grid-padding-width, xl: $grid-padding-width )

Padding for the columns for different screen sizes


