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Buttons are simple components in Ionic. They can consist of text and icons and be enhanced by a wide range of attributes.


<!-- Colors -->
<button ion-button>Default</button>

<button ion-button color="secondary">Secondary</button>

<button ion-button color="danger">Danger</button>

<button ion-button color="light">Light</button>

<button ion-button color="dark">Dark</button>

<!-- Shapes -->
<button ion-button full>Full Button</button>

<button ion-button block>Block Button</button>

<button ion-button round>Round Button</button>

<!-- Outline -->
<button ion-button full outline>Outline + Full</button>

<button ion-button block outline>Outline + Block</button>

<button ion-button round outline>Outline + Round</button>

<!-- Icons -->
<button ion-button icon-left>
  <ion-icon name="star"></ion-icon>
  Left Icon

<button ion-button icon-right>
  Right Icon
  <ion-icon name="star"></ion-icon>

<button ion-button icon-only>
  <ion-icon name="star"></ion-icon>

<!-- Sizes -->
<button ion-button large>Large</button>

<button ion-button>Default</button>

<button ion-button small>Small</button>

Input Properties

Attr Type Details
block boolean

If true, activates a button style that fills the available width.

clear boolean

If true, activates a transparent button style without a border.

color string

The color to use from your Sass $colors map. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "danger", "light", and "dark". For more information, see Theming your App.

default boolean

If true, activates the default button size. Normally the default, useful for buttons in an item.

full boolean

If true, activates a button style that fills the available width without a left and right border.

large boolean

If true, activates the large button size.

mode string

The mode determines which platform styles to use. Possible values are: "ios", "md", or "wp". For more information, see Platform Styles.

outline boolean

If true, activates a transparent button style with a border.

round boolean

If true, activates a button with rounded corners.

small boolean

If true, activates the small button size.

solid boolean

If true, activates a solid button style. Normally the default, useful for buttons in a toolbar.

strong boolean

If true, activates a button with a heavier font weight.


<!-- Bind the color and outline inputs to an expression -->
<button ion-button [color]="isDanger ? 'danger' : 'primary'" [outline]="isOutline">
  Danger (Solid)

<!-- Bind the color and round inputs to an expression -->
<button ion-button [color]="myColor" [round]="isRound">
  Secondary (Round)

<!-- Bind the color and clear inputs to an expression -->
<button ion-button [color]="isSecondary ? 'secondary' : 'primary'"  [clear]="isClear">
  Primary (Clear)

<!-- Bind the color, outline and round inputs to an expression -->
<button ion-button [color]="myColor2" [outline]="isOutline" [round]="isRound">
  Dark (Solid + Round)

<!-- Bind the click event to a method -->
<button ion-button (click)="logEvent($event)">
  Click me!
  templateUrl: 'main.html'
class E2EPage {
  isDanger: boolean = true;
  isSecondary: boolean = false;
  isRound: boolean = true;
  isOutline: boolean = false;
  isClear: boolean = true;
  myColor: string = 'secondary';
  myColor2: string = 'dark';

  logEvent(event) {

Sass Variables

Property Default Description
$button-round-padding-top 0

Padding top of the round button

$button-round-padding-end 2.6rem

Padding end of the round button

$button-round-padding-bottom $button-round-padding-top

Padding bottom of the round button

$button-round-padding-start $button-round-padding-end

Padding start of the round button

$button-round-border-radius 64px

Border radius of the round button

Property Default Description
$button-ios-margin-top .4rem

Margin top of the button

$button-ios-margin-end .2rem

Margin end of the button

$button-ios-margin-bottom .4rem

Margin bottom of the button

$button-ios-margin-start .2rem

Margin start of the button

$button-ios-padding-top 0

Padding top of the button

$button-ios-padding-end 1em

Padding end of the button

$button-ios-padding-bottom $button-ios-padding-top

Padding bottom of the button

$button-ios-padding-start $button-ios-padding-end

Padding start of the button

$button-ios-height 2.8em

Height of the button

$button-ios-border-radius 4px

Border radius of the button

$button-ios-font-size 1.6rem

Font size of the button text

$button-ios-background-color color($colors-ios, primary)

Background color of the button

$button-ios-text-color color-contrast($colors-ios, $button-ios-background-color)

Text color of the button

$button-ios-background-color-activated color-shade($button-ios-background-color)

Background color of the activated button

$button-ios-opacity-activated 1

Opacity of the activated button

$button-ios-opacity-hover .8

Opacity of the button on hover

$button-ios-large-padding-top 0

Padding top of the large button

$button-ios-large-padding-end 1em

Padding end of the large button

$button-ios-large-padding-bottom $button-ios-large-padding-top

Padding bottom of the large button

$button-ios-large-padding-start $button-ios-large-padding-end

Padding start of the large button

$button-ios-large-height 2.8em

Height of the large button

$button-ios-large-font-size 2rem

Font size of the large button

$button-ios-small-padding-top 0

Padding top of the small button

$button-ios-small-padding-end .9em

Padding end of the small button

$button-ios-small-padding-bottom $button-ios-small-padding-top

Padding bottom of the small button

$button-ios-small-padding-start $button-ios-small-padding-end

Padding start of the small button

$button-ios-small-height 2.1em

Height of the small button

$button-ios-small-font-size 1.3rem

Font size of the small button

$button-ios-small-icon-font-size 1.3em

Font size of an icon in the small button

$button-ios-outline-border-width 1px

Border width of the outline button

$button-ios-outline-border-style solid

Border style of the outline button

$button-ios-outline-border-radius $button-ios-border-radius

Border radius of the outline button

$button-ios-outline-border-color $button-ios-background-color

Border color of the outline button

$button-ios-outline-text-color $button-ios-background-color

Text color of the outline button

$button-ios-outline-background-color transparent

Background color of the outline button

$button-ios-outline-text-color-activated color-contrast($colors-ios, $button-ios-background-color)

Text color of the activated outline button

$button-ios-outline-background-color-activated $button-ios-background-color

Background color of the activated outline button

$button-ios-outline-opacity-activated 1

Opacity of the activated outline button

$button-ios-clear-border-color transparent

Border color of the clear button

$button-ios-clear-background-color transparent

Background color of the clear button

$button-ios-clear-background-color-activated $button-ios-clear-background-color

Background color of the activated clear button

$button-ios-clear-opacity-activated .4

Opacity of the activated clear button

$button-ios-clear-text-color-hover $button-ios-background-color

Text color of the clear button on hover

$button-ios-clear-opacity-hover .6

Opacity of the clear button on hover

$button-ios-round-padding-top $button-round-padding-top

Padding top of the round button

$button-ios-round-padding-end $button-round-padding-end

Padding end of the round button

$button-ios-round-padding-bottom $button-round-padding-bottom

Padding bottom of the round button

$button-ios-round-padding-start $button-round-padding-start

Padding start of the round button

$button-ios-round-border-radius $button-round-border-radius

Border radius of the round button

$button-ios-strong-font-weight 600

Font weight of the strong button

Property Default Description
$button-md-margin-top .4rem

Margin top of the button

$button-md-margin-end .2rem

Margin end of the button

$button-md-margin-bottom .4rem

Margin bottom of the button

$button-md-margin-start .2rem

Margin start of the button

$button-md-padding-top 0

Padding top of the button

$button-md-padding-end 1.1em

Padding end of the button

$button-md-padding-bottom $button-md-padding-top

Padding bottom of the button

$button-md-padding-start $button-md-padding-end

Padding start of the button

$button-md-height 3.6rem

Height of the button

$button-md-border-radius 2px

Border radius of the button

$button-md-font-size 1.4rem

Font size of the button text

$button-md-font-weight 500

Font weight of the button text

$button-md-text-transform uppercase

Capitalization of the button text

$button-md-background-color color($colors-md, primary)

Background color of the button

$button-md-text-color color-contrast($colors-md, $button-md-background-color)

Text color of the button

$button-md-box-shadow 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .14), 0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2), 0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)

Box shadow of the button

$button-md-transition-duration 300ms

Duration of the transition of the button

$button-md-transition-timing-function cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .2, 1)

Speed curve of the transition of the button

$button-md-background-color-hover $button-md-background-color

Background color of the button on hover

$button-md-background-color-activated color-shade($button-md-background-color)

Background color of the activated button

$button-md-opacity-activated 1

Opacity of the activated button

$button-md-box-shadow-activated 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .14), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .21), 0 0 0 0 transparent

Box shadow of the activated button

$button-md-ripple-background-color #555

Background color of the ripple on the button

$button-md-large-padding-top 0

Padding top of the large button

$button-md-large-padding-end 1em

Padding end of the large button

$button-md-large-padding-bottom $button-md-large-padding-top

Padding bottom of the large button

$button-md-large-padding-start $button-md-large-padding-end

Padding start of the large button

$button-md-large-height 2.8em

Height of the large button

$button-md-large-font-size 2rem

Font size of the large button

$button-md-small-padding-top 0

Padding top of the small button

$button-md-small-padding-end .9em

Padding end of the small button

$button-md-small-padding-bottom $button-md-small-padding-top

Padding bottom of the small button

$button-md-small-padding-start $button-md-small-padding-end

Padding start of the small button

$button-md-small-height 2.1em

Height of the small button

$button-md-small-font-size 1.3rem

Font size of the small button

$button-md-small-icon-font-size 1.4em

Font size of an icon in the small button

$button-md-outline-border-width 1px

Border width of the outline button

$button-md-outline-border-style solid

Border style of the outline button

$button-md-outline-border-color $button-md-background-color

Border color of the outline button

$button-md-outline-text-color $button-md-background-color

Text color of the outline button

$button-md-outline-background-color transparent

Background color of the outline button

$button-md-outline-box-shadow none

Box shadow of the outline button

$button-md-outline-background-color-hover rgba(158, 158, 158, .1)

Background color of the outline button on hover

$button-md-outline-background-color-activated transparent

Background color of the activated outline button

$button-md-outline-box-shadow-activated none

Box shadow of the activated outline button

$button-md-outline-opacity-activated 1

Opacity of the activated outline button

$button-md-outline-ripple-background-color $button-md-background-color

Background color of the ripple on the outline button

$button-md-clear-border-color transparent

Border color of the clear button

$button-md-clear-text-color $button-md-background-color

Text color of the clear button

$button-md-clear-background-color transparent

Background color of the clear button

$button-md-clear-box-shadow none

Box shadow of the clear button

$button-md-clear-opacity 1

Opacity of the clear button

$button-md-clear-background-color-activated rgba(158, 158, 158, .2)

Background color of the activated clear button

$button-md-clear-box-shadow-activated $button-md-clear-box-shadow

Box shadow of the activated clear button

$button-md-clear-background-color-hover rgba(158, 158, 158, .1)

Background color of the clear button on hover

$button-md-clear-ripple-background-color #999

Background color of the ripple on the clear button

$button-md-round-padding-top $button-round-padding-top

Padding top of the round button

$button-md-round-padding-end $button-round-padding-end

Padding end of the round button

$button-md-round-padding-bottom $button-round-padding-bottom

Padding bottom of the round button

$button-md-round-padding-start $button-round-padding-start

Padding start of the round button

$button-md-round-border-radius $button-round-border-radius

Border radius of the round button

$button-md-strong-font-weight bold

Font weight of the strong button

Property Default Description
$button-wp-margin-top .4rem

Margin top of the button

$button-wp-margin-end .2rem

Margin end of the button

$button-wp-margin-bottom .4rem

Margin bottom of the button

$button-wp-margin-start .2rem

Margin start of the button

$button-wp-padding-top 0

Padding top of the button

$button-wp-padding-end 1.1em

Padding end of the button

$button-wp-padding-bottom $button-wp-padding-top

Padding bottom of the button

$button-wp-padding-start $button-wp-padding-end

Padding start of the button

$button-wp-height 3.6rem

Height of the button

$button-wp-border-width 3px

Border width of the button

$button-wp-border-style solid

Border style of the button

$button-wp-border-color transparent

Border color of the button

$button-wp-border-radius 0

Border radius of the button

$button-wp-font-size 1.4rem

Font size of the button text

$button-wp-background-color color($colors-wp, primary)

Background color of the button

$button-wp-text-color color-contrast($colors-wp, $button-wp-background-color)

Text color of the button

$button-wp-background-color-activated color-shade($button-wp-background-color)

Background color of the activated button

$button-wp-large-padding-top 0

Padding top of the large button

$button-wp-large-padding-end 1em

Padding end of the large button

$button-wp-large-padding-bottom $button-wp-large-padding-top

Padding bottom of the large button

$button-wp-large-padding-start $button-wp-large-padding-end

Padding start of the large button

$button-wp-large-height 2.8em

Height of the large button

$button-wp-large-font-size 2rem

Font size of the large button

$button-wp-small-padding-top 0

Padding top of the small button

$button-wp-small-padding-end .9em

Padding end of the small button

$button-wp-small-padding-bottom $button-wp-small-padding-top

Padding bottom of the small button

$button-wp-small-padding-start $button-wp-small-padding-end

Padding start of the small button

$button-wp-small-height 2.1em

Height of the small button

$button-wp-small-font-size 1.3rem

Font size of the small button

$button-wp-small-icon-font-size 1.4em

Font size of an icon in the small button

$button-wp-outline-border-width 1px

Border width of the outline button

$button-wp-outline-border-style solid

Border style of the outline button

$button-wp-outline-border-color $button-wp-background-color

Border color of the outline button

$button-wp-outline-text-color $button-wp-background-color

Text color of the outline button

$button-wp-outline-background-color transparent

Background color of the outline button

$button-wp-outline-background-color-activated $button-wp-background-color

Background color of the activated outline button

$button-wp-outline-background-color-opacity-activated .16

Opacity of the background color of the activated outline button

$button-wp-clear-text-color $button-wp-background-color

Text color of the clear button

$button-wp-clear-background-color transparent

Background color of the clear button

$button-wp-clear-background-color-activated rgba(158, 158, 158, .2)

Background color of the activated clear button

$button-wp-clear-background-color-hover rgba(158, 158, 158, .1)

Background color of the clear button on hover

$button-wp-round-padding-top $button-round-padding-top

Padding top of the round button

$button-wp-round-padding-end $button-round-padding-end

Padding end of the round button

$button-wp-round-padding-bottom $button-round-padding-bottom

Padding bottom of the round button

$button-wp-round-padding-start $button-round-padding-start

Padding start of the round button

$button-wp-round-border-radius $button-round-border-radius

Border radius of the round button

$button-wp-strong-font-weight bold

Font weight of the strong button


Button Component Docs, FabButton Docs, FabButton API Docs, FabContainer API Docs


