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The Config lets you configure your entire app or specific platforms. You can set the tab placement, icon mode, animations, and more here.

import { IonicApp, IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';

  declarations: [ MyApp ],
  imports: [
    IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
      backButtonText: 'Go Back',
      iconMode: 'ios',
      modalEnter: 'modal-slide-in',
      modalLeave: 'modal-slide-out',
      tabsPlacement: 'bottom',
      pageTransition: 'ios-transition'
    }, {}
  bootstrap: [IonicApp],
  entryComponents: [ MyApp ],
  providers: []

Config can be overwritten at multiple levels allowing for more granular configuration. Below is an example where an app can override any setting we want based on a platform.

import { IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';

  imports: [
    IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
      tabsPlacement: 'bottom',
      platforms: {
        ios: {
          tabsPlacement: 'top',
    }, {}

We could also configure these values at a component level. Take tabsPlacement, we can configure this as a property on our ion-tabs.

<ion-tabs tabsPlacement="top">
  <ion-tab tabTitle="Dash" tabIcon="pulse" [root]="tabRoot"></ion-tab>

The last way we could configure is through URL query strings. This is useful for testing while in the browser. Simply add ?ionic<PROPERTYNAME>=<value> to the url.


Any value can be added to config, and looked up at a later in any component.

config.set('ios', 'favoriteColor', 'green');

// from any page in your app:
config.get('favoriteColor'); // 'green' when iOS

A config value can come from anywhere and be anything, but there are default values for each mode. The theming documentation has a chart of the default mode configuration. The following chart displays each property with a description of what it controls.

Config Property Type Details
activator string Used for buttons, changes the effect of pressing on a button. Available options: "ripple", "highlight".
actionSheetEnter string The name of the transition to use while an action sheet is presented.
actionSheetLeave string The name of the transition to use while an action sheet is dismissed.
alertEnter string The name of the transition to use while an alert is presented.
alertLeave string The name of the transition to use while an alert is dismissed.
backButtonText string The text to display by the back button icon in the navbar.
backButtonIcon string The icon to use as the back button icon.
iconMode string The mode to use for all icons throughout the application. Available options: "ios", "md"
locationStrategy string Set to 'path' to remove hashbangs when using Deeplinking.
loadingEnter string The name of the transition to use while a loading indicator is presented.
loadingLeave string The name of the transition to use while a loading indicator is dismissed.
menuType string Type of menu to display. Available options: "overlay", "reveal", "push".
modalEnter string The name of the transition to use while a modal is presented.
modalLeave string The name of the transition to use while a modal is dismiss.
mode string The mode to use throughout the application.
pageTransition string The name of the transition to use while changing pages. Available options: "ios-transition", "md-transition", "wp-transition".
pickerEnter string The name of the transition to use while a picker is presented.
pickerLeave string The name of the transition to use while a picker is dismissed.
popoverEnter string The name of the transition to use while a popover is presented.
popoverLeave string The name of the transition to use while a popover is dismissed.
spinner string The default spinner to use when a name is not defined.
statusbarPadding boolean Whether to hide extra padding for statusbar.
swipeBackEnabled boolean Whether native iOS swipe to go back functionality is enabled.
tabsHighlight boolean Whether to show a highlight line under the tab when it is selected.
tabsLayout string The layout to use for all tabs. Available options: "icon-top", "icon-start", "icon-end", "icon-bottom", "icon-hide", "title-hide".
tabsPlacement string The position of the tabs relative to the content. Available options: "top", "bottom"
tabsHideOnSubPages boolean Whether to hide the tabs on child pages or not. If true it will not show the tabs on child pages.
toastEnter string The name of the transition to use while a toast is presented.
toastLeave string The name of the transition to use while a toast is dismissed.

Instance Members

get(key, fallbackValue)

Returns a single config value, given a key.

Param Type Details
key string

the key for the config valueOptional

fallbackValue any

a fallback value to use when the config value was not found, or is config value is null. Fallback value defaults to null.Optional

getBoolean(key, fallbackValue)

Same as get(), however always returns a boolean value. If the value from get() is null, then it’ll return the fallbackValue which defaults to false. Otherwise, getBoolean() will return if the config value is truthy or not. It also returns true if the config value was the string value "true".

Param Type Details
key string

the key for the config valueOptional

fallbackValue boolean

a fallback value to use when the config value was null. Fallback value defaults to false.Optional

getNumber(key, fallbackValue)

Same as get(), however always returns a number value. Uses parseFloat() on the value received from get(). If the result from the parse is NaN, then it will return the value passed to fallbackValue. If no fallback value was provided then it’ll default to returning NaN when the result is not a valid number.

Param Type Details
key string

the key for the config valueOptional

fallbackValue number

a fallback value to use when the config value turned out to be NaN. Fallback value defaults to NaN.Optional

set(platform, key, value)

Sets a single config value.

Param Type Details
platform string

The platform (either 'ios' or 'android') that the config value should apply to. Leaving this blank will apply the config value to all platforms.Optional

key string

The key used to look up the value at a later point in time.Optional

value string

The config value being stored.Optional


