$ ionic cordova run

Run an Ionic project on a connected device


$ ionic cordova run [<platform>]


Like running cordova run directly, but also watches for changes in web assets and provides live-reload functionality with the --livereload option.

For Android and iOS, you can setup Remote Debugging on your device with browser development tools: https://docs.ionic.io/tools/developer/#remote-debugging

Just like with ionic cordova build, you can pass additional options to the Cordova CLI using the -- separator.

Input Description
platform The platform to run (android, ios)
Option Description
--list List all available Cordova targets
--livereload, -l Spin up server to live-reload www files
--consolelogs, -c Print out console logs to terminal
--address Use specific address for the dev server
--port, -p Use specific port for HTTP
--livereload-port, -r Use specific port for live-reload
--dev-logger-port Use specific port for dev server communication
--prod Build the application for production
--aot Perform ahead-of-time compilation for this build
--minifyjs Minify JS for this build
--minifycss Minify CSS for this build
--optimizejs Perform JS optimizations for this build
--debug Mark as a debug build
--release Mark as a release build
--device Deploy Cordova build to a device
--emulator Deploy Cordova build to an emulator
--target Deploy Cordova build to a device (use --list to see all)
--buildConfig Use the specified Cordova build configuration


$ ionic cordova run 
$ ionic cordova run ios
$ ionic cordova run ios -lc
$ ionic cordova run android -lc --address=localhost
$ ionic cordova run android -lc -- -d


