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Video Editor

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Edit videos using native device APIs



  1. Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
    $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-video-editor
    $ npm install --save @ionic-native/video-editor@4
  2. Add this plugin to your app's module

Supported platforms


import { VideoEditor } from '@ionic-native/video-editor';

constructor(private videoEditor: VideoEditor) { }


  fileUri: '/path/to/',
  outputFileName: 'output.mp4',
  outputFileType: VideoEditor.OutputFileType.MPEG4
.then((fileUri: string) => console.log('video transcode success', fileUri))
.catch((error: any) => console.log('video transcode error', error));

Instance Members




Transcode a video

Param Type Details
options TranscodeOptions


Returns: Promise<string> Returns a promise that resolves to the path of the transcoded video



Trim a video

Param Type Details
options TrimOptions


Returns: Promise<string> Returns a promise that resolves to the path of the trimmed video


Create a JPEG thumbnail from a video

Param Type Details
options CreateThumbnailOptions


Returns: Promise<string> Returns a promise that resolves to the path to the jpeg image on the device


Get info on a video (width, height, orientation, duration, size, & bitrate)

Param Type Details
options GetVideoInfoOptions


Returns: Promise<VideoInfo> Returns a promise that resolves to an object containing info on the video


Param Type Details
fileUri string

The path to the video on the device.

outputFileName string

The file name for the transcoded video

outputFileType number

Instructions on how to encode the video. Android is always mp4

optimizeForNetworkUse number

Should the video be processed with quailty or speed in mind. iOS only

saveToLibrary boolean

Save the new video the library. Not supported in windows. Defaults to true

deleteInputFile boolean

Delete the original video. Android only. Defaults to false

maintainAspectRatio boolean

iOS only. Defaults to true

width number

Width of the result

height number

Height of the result

videoBitrate number

Bitrate in bits. Defaults to 1 megabit (1000000).

fps number

Frames per second of the result. Android only. Defaults to 24.

audioChannels number

Number of audio channels. iOS only. Defaults to 2.

audioSampleRate number (optional)
audioBitrate number

Sample rate for the audio. iOS only. Defaults to 128 kilobits (128000).

progress (info: number) => void

Not supported in windows, progress on the transcode. info will be a number from 0 to 100



Param Type Details
fileUri string

Path to input video.

trimStart number

Time to start trimming in seconds

trimEnd number

Time to end trimming in seconds

outputFileName string

Output file name

progress (info: any) => void

Progress on transcode. info will be a number from 0 to 100



Param Type Details
fileUri string

The path to the video on the device

outputFileName string

The file name for the JPEG image

atTime number

Location in the video to create the thumbnail (in seconds)

width number

Width of the thumbnail.

height number

Height of the thumbnail.

quality number

Quality of the thumbnail (between 1 and 100).



Param Type Details
fileUri string

The path to the video on the device.


Param Type Details
width number

Width of the video in pixels.

height number

Height of the video in pixels.

orientation 'portrait' | 'landscape'

Orientation of the video. Will be either portrait or landscape.

duration number

Duration of the video in seconds.

size number

Size of the video in bytes.

bitrate number

Bitrate of the video in bits per second.


