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WheelSelector Pluginβ

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This plugin is still in beta stage and may not work as expected. Please submit any issues to the plugin repo.

Native wheel selector for Cordova (Android/iOS).



  1. Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
    $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-wheel-selector-plugin
    $ npm install --save @ionic-native/wheel-selector@4
  2. Add this plugin to your app's module

Supported platforms


import { WheelSelector } from '@ionic-native/wheel-selector';

constructor(private selector: WheelSelector) { }


const jsonData = {
  numbers: [
   { description: "1" },
    { description: "2" },
    { description: "3" }
  fruits: [
    { description: "Apple" },
    { description: "Banana" },
    { description: "Tangerine" }
  firstNames: [
    { name: "Fred", id: '1' },
    { name: "Jane", id: '2' },
    { name: "Bob", id: '3' },
    { name: "Earl", id: '4' },
    { name: "Eunice", id: '5' }
  lastNames: [
    { name: "Johnson", id: '100' },
    { name: "Doe", id: '101' },
    { name: "Kinishiwa", id: '102' },
    { name: "Gordon", id: '103' },
    { name: "Smith", id: '104' }


// basic number selection, index is always returned in the result
 selectANumber() {{
     title: "How Many?",
     items: [
     result => {
       console.log(result[0].description + ' at index: ' + result[0].index);
     err => console.log('Error: ', err)


 // basic selection, setting initial displayed default values: '3' 'Banana'
 selectFruit() {{
     title: "How Much?",
     items: [
       this.jsonData.numbers, this.jsonData.fruits
     positiveButtonText: "Ok",
     negativeButtonText: "Nope",
     defaultItems: [
       {index:0, value: this.jsonData.numbers[2].description},
       {index: 1, value: this.jsonData.fruits[3].description}
     result => {
       console.log(result[0].description + ' ' + result[1].description);
     err => console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err))


 // more complex as overrides which key to display
 // then retrieve properties from original data
 selectNamesUsingDisplayKey() {{
     title: "Who?",
     items: [
       this.jsonData.firstNames, this.jsonData.lastNames
     displayKey: 'name',
     defaultItems: [
       {index:0, value: this.jsonData.firstNames[2].name},
       {index: 0, value: this.jsonData.lastNames[3].name}
     result => {
       console.log(result[0].name + ' (id= ' + this.jsonData.firstNames[result[0].index].id + '), ' +
         result[1].name + ' (id=' + this.jsonData.lastNames[result[1].index].id + ')');
     err => console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err))

Instance Members


Shows the wheel selector

Param Type Details
options WheelSelectorOptions

Options for the wheel selector

Returns: Promise<WheelSelectorData> Returns a promise that resolves with the selected items, or an error.



Hide the selector

Returns: Promise<void>


Param Type Details
title string

The title of the selector's input box

items WheelSelectorItem[][]

The items to display (array of items).

defaultItems DefaultItem[]

Which items to display by default.

positiveButtonText string

The 'ok' button text Default: Done

negativeButtonText string

The 'cancel' button text Default: Cancel

theme 'light' | 'dark'

Android only - theme color, 'light' or 'dark'. Default: light

wrapWheelText boolean

Whether to have the wheels 'wrap' (Android only) Default: false

displayKey string

The json key to display, by default it is description, this allows for setting any key/value to be displayed Default: description



