input コンポーネントは、HTML input 要素のラッパーで、カスタムスタイルと追加機能を備えています。HTML入力と同じプロパティのほとんどを受け入れ、モバイルデバイスのキーボードと統合します。
input コンポーネントは、"text"
, "password"
, "email"
, "number"
, "search"
, "tel"
, "url"
などの標準的なテキスト入力イベントをすべてサポートしています。デフォルトの type
は "text"
スロット: カスタム HTML ラベルに使用する(実験的)。aria-label
: スクリーンリーダー用のラベルとして使用されるが、ラベルは表示されない。
Label Placement
ラベルは、デフォルトでそのコンテンツの幅を占めます。 開発者は labelPlacement
Label Slot (実験的)
プレーンテキストのラベルは label
プロパティを通して渡されるべきですが、カスタム HTML が必要な場合は、代わりに label
この機能は、Web Component slots のシミュレート版に依存しているため、実験的なものとみなされていることに注意してください。その結果、シミュレートされた動作はネイティブのスロットの動作と完全に一致するとは限りません。
No Visible Label
表示するラベルが必要ない場合でも、開発者は aria-label
Clear Options
Inputsには、入力の操作方法に応じて、Inputをクリアするための2つのオプションがあります。最初の方法は clearInput
プロパティを追加することで、Inputに value
があるときにクリアボタンを表示します。2つ目の方法は clearOnEdit
プロパティで、入力が編集削除された後、再度入力されるとクリアされます。 type
が "password"
に設定されているInputは、デフォルトで clearOnEdit
Filled Inputs
Material Design では、Inputに塗りつぶしのスタイルが用意されています。Inputの fill
プロパティは "solid"
または "outline"
Filled inputs をiOSで使うためには、inputの mode
を md
Inputs that use fill
should not be used in an ion-item
due to styling conflicts between the components.
Helper & Error Text
と errorText
プロパティを使用して入力の内部で使用することができます。エラーテキストは、 ion-invalid
クラスと ion-touched
クラスが ion-input
Input Counter
Input Counterは、Inputの下に表示されるテキストで、入力可能な文字数のうち、何文字が入力されたかをユーザーに通知するものです。カウンターを追加する場合、デフォルトの動作は、表示される値を inputLength
/ maxLength
The counter
and counterFormatter
properties on ion-item
were deprecated in Ionic 7 and should be used directly on ion-input
Inputs with a counter add a border between the input and the counter, therefore they should not be placed inside of an ion-item
which adds an additional border under the item. The ion-padding-start
class can be added to align the counter inputs with inputs inside of items.
Filtering User Input
開発者は ionInput
ステート変数に値を格納する場合、ステート変数と ion-input
コンポーネントの値の両方を更新することを推奨します。これにより、状態変数と ion-input
npm install @maskito/core @maskito/{angular,react,vue}
Please submit bug reports with Maskito to the Maskito Github repository. For technical support, please use the Ionic Forum or Ionic Discord.
Start and End Slots (experimental)
スロットと end
この機能は Web Component slots のシミュレート版に依存しているため、実験的なものであることに注意してください。そのため、シミュレートされた動作はネイティブのスロットの動作と完全に一致するとは限りません。
In most cases, Icon components placed in these slots should have aria-hidden="true"
. See the Icon accessibility docs for more information.
If slot content is meant to be interacted with, it should be wrapped in an interactive element such as a Button. This ensures that the content can be tabbed to.
プロパティを設定すると、各Inputのカラーパレットが変更されます。 ios
モードでは、このプロパティはキャレットカラーを変更します。 md
The color
property does not change the text color of the input. For that, use the --color
CSS property.
Inputはscoped encapsulationを採用しており、実行時に各スタイルに追加のクラスを付加することで、CSSを自動的にスコープ化します。CSSでscopedセレクタを上書きするには、higher specificity セレクタが必要です。そのため、クラスを追加してカスタマイズすることをお勧めします。
レガシーな Input 構文からの移行
Ionic 7.0では、よりシンプルなInput構文が導入されました。この新しい構文は、Inputのセットアップに必要な定型文を減らし、アクセシビリティの問題を解決し、開発者のエクスペリエンスを向上させます。
プロパティで設定することができる。- Input固有のプロパティを
プロパティが含まれる。 ion-item
- JavaScript
- Angular
- React
- Vue
<!-- Label and Label Position -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<ion-input label="Email:" label-placement="floating"></ion-input>
<!-- Fill -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item fill="outline" shape="round">
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<!-- Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in ion-item -->
<ion-input fill="outline" shape="round" label="Email:" label-placement="floating"></ion-input>
<!-- Input-specific features on ion-item -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item counter="true">
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<ion-input maxlength="100"></ion-input>
<div slot="helper">Enter an email</div>
<div slot="error">Please enter a valid email</div>
<!-- After -->
Metadata such as counters and helper text should not
be used when an input is in an item/list. If you need to
provide more context on a input, consider using an ion-note
underneath the ion-list.
helper-text="Enter an email"
error-text="Please enter a valid email"
<!-- Label and Label Position -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<ion-input label="Email:" labelPlacement="floating"></ion-input>
<!-- Fill -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item fill="outline" shape="round">
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<!-- Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in ion-item -->
<ion-input fill="outline" shape="round" label="Email:" labelPlacement="floating"></ion-input>
<!-- Input-specific features on ion-item -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item [counter]="true">
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<ion-input maxlength="100"></ion-input>
<div slot="helper">Enter an email</div>
<div slot="error">Please enter a valid email</div>
<!-- After -->
Metadata such as counters and helper text should not
be used when an input is in an item/list. If you need to
provide more context on a input, consider using an ion-note
underneath the ion-list.
helperText="Enter an email"
errorText="Please enter a valid email"
{/* Label and Label Position */}
{/* Before */}
<IonLabel position="floating">Email:</IonLabel>
{/* After */}
<IonInput label="Email:" labelPlacement="floating"></IonInput>
{/* Fill */}
{/* Before */}
<IonItem fill="outline" shape="round">
<IonLabel position="floating">Email:</IonLabel>
{/* After */}
{/* Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in IonItem */}
<IonInput fill="outline" shape="round" label="Email:" labelPlacement="floating"></IonInput>
{/* Input-specific features on IonItem */}
{/* Before */}
<IonItem counter={true}>
<IonLabel position="floating">Email:</IonLabel>
<IonInput maxlength="100"></IonInput>
<div slot="helper">Enter an email</div>
<div slot="error">Please enter a valid email</div>
{/* After */}
Metadata such as counters and helper text should not
be used when an input is in an item/list. If you need to
provide more context on a input, consider using an IonNote
underneath the IonList.
helperText="Enter an email"
errorText="Please enter a valid email"
<!-- Label and Label Position -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<ion-input label="Email:" label-placement="floating"></ion-input>
<!-- Fill -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item fill="outline" shape="round">
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<!-- Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in ion-item -->
<ion-input fill="outline" shape="round" label="Email:" label-placement="floating"></ion-input>
<!-- Input-specific features on ion-item -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item :counter="true">
<ion-label position="floating">Email:</ion-label>
<ion-input maxlength="100"></ion-input>
<div slot="helper">Enter an email</div>
<div slot="error">Please enter a valid email</div>
<!-- After -->
Metadata such as counters and helper text should not
be used when an input is in an item/list. If you need to
provide more context on a input, consider using an ion-note
underneath the ion-list.
helper-text="Enter an email"
error-text="Please enter a valid email"
interface InputChangeEventDetail {
value: string | undefined | null;
必須ではありませんが、このコンポーネントから発行される Ionic イベントでより強く型付けを行うために、CustomEvent
interface InputCustomEvent extends CustomEvent {
detail: InputChangeEventDetail;
target: HTMLIonInputElement;
Description | Indicates whether and how the text value should be automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user. Available options: "off" , "none" , "on" , "sentences" , "words" , "characters" . |
Attribute | autocapitalize |
Type | string |
Default | 'off' |
Description | Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. |
Attribute | autocomplete |
Type | "name" | "email" | "tel" | "url" | "on" | "off" | "honorific-prefix" | "given-name" | "additional-name" | "family-name" | "honorific-suffix" | "nickname" | "username" | "new-password" | "current-password" | "one-time-code" | "organization-title" | "organization" | "street-address" | "address-line1" | "address-line2" | "address-line3" | "address-level4" | "address-level3" | "address-level2" | "address-level1" | "country" | "country-name" | "postal-code" | "cc-name" | "cc-given-name" | "cc-additional-name" | "cc-family-name" | "cc-number" | "cc-exp" | "cc-exp-month" | "cc-exp-year" | "cc-csc" | "cc-type" | "transaction-currency" | "transaction-amount" | "language" | "bday" | "bday-day" | "bday-month" | "bday-year" | "sex" | "tel-country-code" | "tel-national" | "tel-area-code" | "tel-local" | "tel-extension" | "impp" | "photo" |
Default | 'off' |
Description | Whether auto correction should be enabled when the user is entering/editing the text value. |
Attribute | autocorrect |
Type | "off" | "on" |
Default | 'off' |
Description | Sets the autofocus attribute on the native input element.This may not be sufficient for the element to be focused on page load. See managing focus for more information. |
Attribute | autofocus |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | If true , a clear icon will appear in the input when there is a value. Clicking it clears the input. |
Attribute | clear-input |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | The icon to use for the clear button. Only applies when clearInput is set to true . |
Attribute | clear-input-icon |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the value will be cleared after focus upon edit. Defaults to true when type is "password" , false for all other types. |
Attribute | clear-on-edit |
Type | boolean | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary" , "secondary" , "tertiary" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" , "light" , "medium" , and "dark" . For more information on colors, see theming. |
Attribute | color |
Type | "danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , a character counter will display the ratio of characters used and the total character limit. Developers must also set the maxlength property for the counter to be calculated correctly. |
Attribute | counter |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | A callback used to format the counter text. By default the counter text is set to "itemLength / maxLength". See if you need to access this from within the callback. |
Attribute | undefined |
Type | ((inputLength: number, maxLength: number) => string) | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait to trigger the ionInput event after each keystroke. |
Attribute | debounce |
Type | number | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the user cannot interact with the input. |
Attribute | disabled |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | A hint to the browser for which enter key to display. Possible values: "enter" , "done" , "go" , "next" , "previous" , "search" , and "send" . |
Attribute | enterkeyhint |
Type | "done" | "enter" | "go" | "next" | "previous" | "search" | "send" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Text that is placed under the input and displayed when an error is detected. |
Attribute | error-text |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The fill for the item. If "solid" the item will have a background. If "outline" the item will be transparent with a border. Only available in md mode. |
Attribute | fill |
Type | "outline" | "solid" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Text that is placed under the input and displayed when no error is detected. |
Attribute | helper-text |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | A hint to the browser for which keyboard to display. Possible values: "none" , "text" , "tel" , "url" , "email" , "numeric" , "decimal" , and "search" . |
Attribute | inputmode |
Type | "decimal" | "email" | "none" | "numeric" | "search" | "tel" | "text" | "url" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The visible label associated with the input. Use this if you need to render a plaintext label. The label property will take priority over the label slot if both are used. |
Attribute | label |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Where to place the label relative to the input. "start" : The label will appear to the left of the input in LTR and to the right in RTL. "end" : The label will appear to the right of the input in LTR and to the left in RTL. "floating" : The label will appear smaller and above the input when the input is focused or it has a value. Otherwise it will appear on top of the input. "stacked" : The label will appear smaller and above the input regardless even when the input is blurred or has no value. "fixed" : The label has the same behavior as "start" except it also has a fixed width. Long text will be truncated with ellipses ("..."). |
Attribute | label-placement |
Type | "end" | "fixed" | "floating" | "stacked" | "start" |
Default | 'start' |
Description | The maximum value, which must not be less than its minimum (min attribute) value. |
Attribute | max |
Type | number | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If the value of the type attribute is text , email , search , password , tel , or url , this attribute specifies the maximum number of characters that the user can enter. |
Attribute | maxlength |
Type | number | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The minimum value, which must not be greater than its maximum (max attribute) value. |
Attribute | min |
Type | number | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If the value of the type attribute is text , email , search , password , tel , or url , this attribute specifies the minimum number of characters that the user can enter. |
Attribute | minlength |
Type | number | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The mode determines which platform styles to use. |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the user can enter more than one value. This attribute applies when the type attribute is set to "email" , otherwise it is ignored. |
Attribute | multiple |
Type | boolean | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data. |
Attribute | name |
Type | string |
Default | this.inputId |
Description | A regular expression that the value is checked against. The pattern must match the entire value, not just some subset. Use the title attribute to describe the pattern to help the user. This attribute applies when the value of the type attribute is "text" , "search" , "tel" , "url" , "email" , "date" , or "password" , otherwise it is ignored. When the type attribute is "date" , pattern will only be used in browsers that do not support the "date" input type natively. See for more information. |
Attribute | pattern |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Instructional text that shows before the input has a value. This property applies only when the type property is set to "email" , "number" , "password" , "search" , "tel" , "text" , or "url" , otherwise it is ignored. |
Attribute | placeholder |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the user cannot modify the value. |
Attribute | readonly |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | If true , the user must fill in a value before submitting a form. |
Attribute | required |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | The shape of the input. If "round" it will have an increased border radius. |
Attribute | shape |
Type | "round" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the element will have its spelling and grammar checked. |
Attribute | spellcheck |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Works with the min and max attributes to limit the increments at which a value can be set. Possible values are: "any" or a positive floating point number. |
Attribute | step |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The type of control to display. The default type is text. |
Attribute | type |
Type | "date" | "datetime-local" | "email" | "month" | "number" | "password" | "search" | "tel" | "text" | "time" | "url" | "week" |
Default | 'text' |
Description | The value of the input. |
Attribute | value |
Type | null | number | string | undefined |
Default | '' |
Name | Description | Bubbles |
ionBlur | Emitted when the input loses focus. | true |
ionChange | The ionChange event is fired when the user modifies the input's value. Unlike the ionInput event, the ionChange event is only fired when changes are committed, not as the user types.Depending on the way the users interacts with the element, the ionChange event fires at a different moment: - When the user commits the change explicitly (e.g. by selecting a date from a date picker for <ion-input type="date"> , pressing the "Enter" key, etc.). - When the element loses focus after its value has changed: for elements where the user's interaction is typing.This event will not emit when programmatically setting the value property. | true |
ionFocus | Emitted when the input has focus. | true |
ionInput | The ionInput event is fired each time the user modifies the input's value. Unlike the ionChange event, the ionInput event is fired for each alteration to the input's value. This typically happens for each keystroke as the user types.For elements that accept text input ( type=text , type=tel , etc.), the interface is InputEvent ; for others, the interface is Event . If the input is cleared on edit, the type is null . | true |
Description | Returns the native <input> element used under the hood. |
Signature | getInputElement() => Promise<HTMLInputElement> |
Description | Sets focus on the native input in ion-input . Use this method instead of the global input.focus() .Developers who wish to focus an input when a page enters should call setFocus() in the ionViewDidEnter() lifecycle method.Developers who wish to focus an input when an overlay is presented should call setFocus after didPresent has resolved.See managing focus for more information. |
Signature | setFocus() => Promise<void> |
CSS Shadow Parts
No CSS shadow parts available for this component.
CSSカスタ ムプロパティ
- iOS
- MD
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the input |
--border-color | Color of the border below the input when using helper text, error text, or counter |
--border-radius | Radius of the input. A large radius may display unevenly when using fill="outline"; if needed, use shape="round" instead or increase --padding-start. |
--border-style | Style of the border below the input when using helper text, error text, or counter |
--border-width | Width of the border below the input when using helper text, error text, or counter |
--color | Color of the input text |
--highlight-color-focused | The color of the highlight on the input when focused |
--highlight-color-invalid | The color of the highlight on the input when invalid |
--highlight-color-valid | The color of the highlight on the input when valid |
--highlight-height | The height of the highlight on the input. Only applies to md mode. |
--padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the input |
--padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the input |
--padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the input |
--padding-top | Top padding of the input |
--placeholder-color | Color of the input placeholder text |
--placeholder-font-style | Font style of the input placeholder text |
--placeholder-font-weight | Font weight of the input placeholder text |
--placeholder-opacity | Opacity of the input placeholder text |
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the input |
--border-color | Color of the border below the input when using helper text, error text, or counter |
--border-radius | Radius of the input. A large radius may display unevenly when using fill="outline"; if needed, use shape="round" instead or increase --padding-start. |
--border-style | Style of the border below the input when using helper text, error text, or counter |
--border-width | Width of the border below the input when using helper text, error text, or counter |
--color | Color of the input text |
--highlight-color-focused | The color of the highlight on the input when focused |
--highlight-color-invalid | The color of the highlight on the input when invalid |
--highlight-color-valid | The color of the highlight on the input when valid |
--highlight-height | The height of the highlight on the input. Only applies to md mode. |
--padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the input |
--padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the input |
--padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the input |
--padding-top | Top padding of the input |
--placeholder-color | Color of the input placeholder text |
--placeholder-font-style | Font style of the input placeholder text |
--placeholder-font-weight | Font weight of the input placeholder text |
--placeholder-opacity | Opacity of the input placeholder text |
Name | Description |
end | Content to display at the trailing edge of the input. (EXPERIMENTAL) |
label | The label text to associate with the input. Use the labelPlacement property to control where the label is placed relative to the input. Use this if you need to render a label with custom HTML. (EXPERIMENTAL) |
start | Content to display at the leading edge of the input. (EXPERIMENTAL) |