selectは、子要素 <ion-select-option>
が <ion-select>
スロット:カスタム HTML ラベルに使用する。aria-label
Label Placement
ラベルはデフォルトではコンテンツの幅を占めます。開発者は labelPlacement
プロパティを使用して、コントロールに対するラベルの配置を制御することができます。ここでは label
は label
Label Slot
プレーンテキストのラベルは label
プロパティで渡すべきですが、カスタムHTMLが必要な場合は、代わりに label
No Visible Label
Single Selection
デフォルトでは、selectを使用すると、ユーザは1つのOptionだけを選択できます。Alertのインターフェースでは、Optionのリストがradio button形式で表示されます。action sheetインタフェースは、1つの値選択でのみ使用できます。selectコンポーネントの値は、選択したオプションの値の値を受け取ります。
select に multiple
属性を追加することで、ユーザーは複数のオプションを選択することができます。複数のオプションが選択可能な場合、アラートやポップオーバーはチェックボックス形式のオプションリストをユーザに提示します。select コンポーネントの値は、選択されたすべてのオプション値の配列を受け取ります。
注意: action-sheet
デフォルトでは、select は ion-alert を使ってAlertのオプションのオーバーレイを開きます。インターフェイスを変更して、ion-action-sheet または ion-popover を使用するには、 action-sheet
または popover
を interface
Action Sheet
Select とユーザのインタラクションを処理する主な方法は、 ionChange
イベント、 ionDismiss
イベント、 ionCancel
Console messages will appear here when logged from the example above.
デフォルトでは、Select はオプションが選択されているかどうかを決定するために厳密な等式 (===
) を使用します。これは、プロパティ名または関数を compareWith
Using compareWith
Console messages will appear here when logged from the example above.
Object Values and Multiple Selection
Console messages will appear here when logged from the example above.
開発者は justify
Filled Selects
Material DesignはセレクトにFilledスタイルを提供します。select の fill
プロパティは "solid"
または "outline"
を使用するセレクトは ion-item
Select Buttons
アラートは Cancel
と OK
の2つのボタンをサポートしている。それぞれのボタンのテキストは cancelText
と okText
と popover
インターフェースには OK
ボタンがありません。オプションのいずれかをクリックすると自動的にオーバーレイが閉じ、その値が選択されます。 popover
インターフェースには Cancel
Selectはalert、action sheet、popoverインタフェースを使用するので、interfaceOptions
プロパティを通してこれらのコンポーネントにオプションを渡すことができます。これを使用して、カスタムヘッダ、サブヘッダ、CSS クラスなどを渡すことができます。
各インタフェースが受け付けるプロパティについては、ion-alert docs, ion-action-sheet docs, ion-popover docs を参照してください。
注意: alert
は inputs
や buttons
Start and End Slots
The start
and end
slots can be used to place icons, buttons, or prefix/suffix text on either side of the select. If the slot content is clicked, the select will not open.
In most cases, Icon components placed in these slots should have aria-hidden="true"
. See the Icon accessibility docs for more information.
If slot content is meant to be interacted with, it should be wrapped in an interactive element such as a Button. This ensures that the content can be tabbed to.
Selectコンポーネントには2つのユニットがあり、それぞれ別々にスタイルを設定する必要があります。 ion-select
をクリックしたときに開くダイアログです。インターフェイスには ion-select-option
また、必要なブラウザサポートによっては、CSSのシャドウパーツを使用してセレクト のスタイルを設定することもできます。 part
を使用することで、要素上の任意の CSS プロパティを対象とすることができることに注意してください。
Custom Toggle Icons
プロパティと expandedIcon
プロパティを使用して、任意の Ionicon に設定することができます。
デフォルトでは、セレクトを開いているとき、トグルアイコンは md
以下の例ではcustom toggleIcon
Typeahead Component
interface SelectChangeEventDetail<T = any> {
value: T;
必須ではありませんが、このインターフェイスを CustomEvent
インターフェイスの代わりに使用することで、このコンポーネントから発行される Ionic イベントをより強力に片付けすることができます。
interface SelectCustomEvent<T = any> extends CustomEvent {
detail: SelectChangeEventDetail<T>;
target: HTMLIonSelectElement;
Ionic 7.0では、よりシンプルなセレクト構文が導入されました。この新しい構文は、セレクトのセットアップに必要な定型文を減らし、アクセシビリティの問題を解決し、開発者のエクスペリエンスを向上させます。
- fill
ion-select` に移動する。
- JavaScript
- Angular
- React
- Vue
<!-- Label and Label Position -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-label position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<ion-select label="Favorite Fruit:" label-placement="floating">...</ion-select>
<!-- Fill -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item fill="outline" shape="round">
<ion-label position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<!-- Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in ion-item -->
<ion-select fill="outline" shape="round" label="Favorite Fruit:" label-placement="floating">...</ion-select>
<!-- Label and Label Position -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-label position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<ion-select label="Favorite Fruit:" labelPlacement="floating">...</ion-select>
<!-- Fill -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item fill="outline" shape="round">
<ion-label position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<!-- Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in ion-item -->
<ion-select fill="outline" shape="round" label="Favorite Fruit:" labelPlacement="floating">...</ion-select>
{/* Label and Label Position */}
{/* Before */}
<IonLabel position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</IonLabel>
{/* After */}
<IonSelect label="Favorite Fruit:" labelPlacement="floating">...</IonSelect>
{/* Fill */}
{/* Before */}
<IonItem fill="outline" shape="round">
<IonLabel position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</IonLabel>
{/* After */}
{/* Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in IonItem */}
<IonSelect fill="outline" shape="round" label="Favorite Fruit:" labelPlacement="floating">...</IonSelect>
<!-- Label and Label Position -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-label position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<ion-select label="Favorite Fruit:" label-placement="floating">...</ion-select>
<!-- Fill -->
<!-- Before -->
<ion-item fill="outline" shape="round">
<ion-label position="floating">Favorite Fruit:</ion-label>
<!-- After -->
<!-- Inputs using `fill` should not be placed in ion-item -->
<ion-select fill="outline" shape="round" label="Favorite Fruit:" label-placement="floating">...</ion-select>
Ionicは、アプリがモダンなセレクト構文を使用しているかどうかをヒューリスティックで検出します。場合によっては、レガシー構文を使い続けた方が望ましいこともあります。開発者は ion-select
の legacy
プロパティを true
Keyboard Interactions
Ionic's keyboard interactions follow the implementation patterns of the web instead of the native iOS select for a consistent experience across all platforms.
These keyboard interactions apply to all ion-select
elements when the following conditions are met:
- The select is closed.
- The select is focused.
- The select is not disabled.
Key | Description |
Enter | Opens the overlay and focuses on the first selected option. If there is no selected option, then it focuses on the first option. |
Space | Opens the overlay and focuses on the first selected option. If there is no selected option, then it focuses on the first option. |
Single Selection
Single selection keyboard interaction follows the ARIA implementation patterns of a radio.
These keyboard interactions apply to ion-action-sheet
, ion-alert
, and ion-popover
elements when the overlay is presented and focused.
Key | Description |
ArrowDown | Focuses and selects the next option in the list. If there is no next option, selection will cycle to the first option. |
ArrowLeft | Focuses and selects the previous option in the list. If there is no previous option, selection will cycle to the last option. |
ArrowRight | Focuses and selects the next option in the list. If there is no next option, selection will cycle to the first option. |
ArrowUp | Focuses and selects the previous option in the list. If there is no previous option, selection will cycle to the last option. |
Enter | If an option is focused, it will select the option. Overlays without an 'OK' button will commit the value immediately, dismiss the overlay and return focus to the ion-select element.If the 'OK' button is focused, it will save the user's selection, dismiss the overlay and return focus to the ion-select element. |
Escape | Closes the overlay without changing the submitted option. Returns the focus back to the ion-select element. |
Space | If the focused radio button is not checked, unchecks the currently checked radio button and checks the focused radio button. Otherwise, does nothing. If the overlay does not have an 'OK' button, the value will be committed immediately and the overlay will dismiss. |
Tab | Moves focus to the next focusable element (cancel button, 'OK' button, or either the selection or the first option) on the overlay. If the next focusable element is an option, then it will focus on the selected option, otherwise it will focus the first option. |
Multiple Selection
Multiple selection keyboard interaction follows the ARIA implementation patterns of a checkbox.
These keyboard interactions apply to ion-alert
and ion-popover
elements when the overlay is presented and multiple selection is enabled.
Key | Description |
Enter | When the 'OK' button is focused, it will save the user's selection, dismiss the overlay, and return focus to the ion-select element. |
Escape | Closes the overlay without changing the submitted option(s). Returns the focus back to the ion-select element. |
Space | Selects or deselects the currently focused option. This does not deselect the other selected options. If the overlay does not have an 'OK' button, the value will be committed immediately. |
Tab | Move focus to the next focusable element (cancel button, 'OK' button, or any of the options) on the overlay. If the next focusable element is the options list, then it should iterate through each option. |
Description | The text to display on the cancel button. |
Attribute | cancel-text |
Type | string |
Default | 'Cancel' |
Description | The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary" , "secondary" , "tertiary" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" , "light" , "medium" , and "dark" . For more information on colors, see theming.This property is only available when using the modern select syntax. |
Attribute | color |
Type | "danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | This property allows developers to specify a custom function or property name for comparing objects when determining the selected option in the ion-select. When not specified, the default behavior will use strict equality (===) for comparison. |
Attribute | compare-with |
Type | ((currentValue: any, compareValue: any) => boolean) | null | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the user cannot interact with the select. |
Attribute | disabled |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | The toggle icon to show when the select is open. If defined, the icon rotation behavior in md mode will be disabled. If undefined, toggleIcon will be used for when the select is both open and closed. |
Attribute | expanded-icon |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The fill for the item. If "solid" the item will have a background. If "outline" the item will be transparent with a border. Only available in md mode. |
Attribute | fill |
Type | "outline" | "solid" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The interface the select should use: action-sheet , popover or alert . |
Attribute | interface |
Type | "action-sheet" | "alert" | "popover" |
Default | 'alert' |
Description | Any additional options that the alert , action-sheet or popover interface can take. See the ion-alert docs, the ion-action-sheet docs and the ion-popover docs for the create options for each interface.Note: interfaceOptions will not override inputs or buttons with the alert interface. |
Attribute | interface-options |
Type | any |
Default | {} |
Description | How to pack the label and select within a line. justify does not apply when the label and select are on different lines when labelPlacement is set to "floating" or "stacked" . "start" : The label and select will appear on the left in LTR and on the right in RTL. "end" : The label and select will appear on the right in LTR and on the left in RTL. "space-between" : The label and select will appear on opposite ends of the line with space between the two elements. |
Attribute | justify |
Type | "end" | "space-between" | "start" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The visible label associated with the select. Use this if you need to render a plaintext label. The label property will take priority over the label slot if both are used. |
Attribute | label |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Where to place the label relative to the select. "start" : The label will appear to the left of the select in LTR and to the right in RTL. "end" : The label will appear to the right of the select in LTR and to the left in RTL. "floating" : The label will appear smaller and above the select when the select is focused or it has a value. Otherwise it will appear on top of the select. "stacked" : The label will appear smaller and above the select regardless even when the select is blurred or has no value. "fixed" : The label has the same behavior as "start" except it also has a fixed width. Long text will be truncated with ellipses ("..."). When using "floating" or "stacked" we recommend initializing the select with either a value or a placeholder . |
Attribute | label-placement |
Type | "end" | "fixed" | "floating" | "stacked" | "start" | undefined |
Default | 'start' |
Description | The mode determines which platform styles to use. |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , the select can accept multiple values. |
Attribute | multiple |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data. |
Attribute | name |
Type | string |
Default | this.inputId |
Description | The text to display on the ok button. |
Attribute | ok-text |
Type | string |
Default | 'OK' |
Description | The text to display when the select is empty. |
Attribute | placeholder |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The text to display instead of the selected option's value. |
Attribute | selected-text |
Type | null | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The shape of the select. If "round" it will have an increased border radius. |
Attribute | shape |
Type | "round" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The toggle icon to use. Defaults to chevronExpand for ios mode, or caretDownSharp for md mode. |
Attribute | toggle-icon |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The value of the select. |
Attribute | value |
Type | any |
Default | undefined |
Name | Description | Bubbles |
ionBlur | Emitted when the select loses focus. | true |
ionCancel | Emitted when the selection is cancelled. | true |
ionChange | Emitted when the value has changed. This event will not emit when programmatically setting the value property. | true |
ionDismiss | Emitted when the overlay is dismissed. | true |
ionFocus | Emitted when the select has focus. | true |
Description | Open the select overlay. The overlay is either an alert, action sheet, or popover, depending on the interface property on the ion-select . |
Signature | open(event?: UIEvent) => Promise<any> |
CSS Shadow Parts
Name | Description |
container | The container for the selected text or placeholder. |
icon | The select icon container. |
label | The label text describing the select. |
placeholder | The text displayed in the select when there is no value. |
text | The displayed value of the select. |
CSS カスタムプロパティ
- iOS
- MD
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the select |
--border-color | Color of the select border |
--border-radius | Radius of the select border. A large radius may display unevenly when using fill="outline"; if needed, use shape="round" instead or increase --padding-start. |
--border-style | Style of the select border |
--border-width | Width of the select border |
--highlight-color-focused | The color of the highlight on the select when focused |
--highlight-color-invalid | The color of the highlight on the select when invalid |
--highlight-color-valid | The color of the highlight on the select when valid |
--highlight-height | The height of the highlight on the select. Only applies to md mode. |
--padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the select |
--padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the select |
--padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the select |
--padding-top | Top padding of the select |
--placeholder-color | Color of the select placeholder text |
--placeholder-opacity | Opacity of the select placeholder text |
--ripple-color | The color of the ripple effect on MD mode. |
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the select |
--border-color | Color of the select border |
--border-radius | Radius of the select border. A large radius may display unevenly when using fill="outline"; if needed, use shape="round" instead or increase --padding-start. |
--border-style | Style of the select border |
--border-width | Width of the select border |
--highlight-color-focused | The color of the highlight on the select when focused |
--highlight-color-invalid | The color of the highlight on the select when invalid |
--highlight-color-valid | The color of the highlight on the select when valid |
--highlight-height | The height of the highlight on the select. Only applies to md mode. |
--padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the select |
--padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the select |
--padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the select |
--padding-top | Top padding of the select |
--placeholder-color | Color of the select placeholder text |
--placeholder-opacity | Opacity of the select placeholder text |
--ripple-color | The color of the ripple effect on MD mode. |
Name | Description |
end | Content to display at the trailing edge of the select. |
label | The label text to associate with the select. Use the labelPlacement property to control where the label is placed relative to the select. Use this if you need to render a label with custom HTML. |
start | Content to display at the leading edge of the select. |